

feb 19 - rant [2004-02-19 @ 3:57 p.m.]

i went to melbourne yesterday...to go shopping with nene...and i had a blast.
at least now having experienced the wonders of a pay day i now have something to look forward to while wiping old people's asses..*snikker*
but thankfully there are only 2 more weeks left of this rotation, and i will be free of wiping asses and lifting oldies. not that i am totally unhappy there..i mean..it's not all that bad...but it's just not my thing.
it's a little bit more enjoyable though, knowing i'm getting a decent wage for it.
but still..i am counting down until i move rotations and head up to the medical ward. at least there i will be doing some real nursey stuff..

so i'm working the next 6 days straight..starting with an early in the morning..and i can seem i'm going to be absolutely farked after it..but i'm kinda looiking forward to it in a way because work is a great distraction and with the exception of checking my phone for sms's each chance i get - i tend not to think much about sam.
and that is what i need..
because...as much as i try to fool myself (and those around me)..i am thinking about her much more than i should..so yeah *sighs*..
but i think i am slowly learning...despite what my previous entry says...

anyway...i bought some new DVD's and CD's yesterday...and i needa go rearrange everything so that i can make room for them..
yes chele..i know i am anal..heh..

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