

dec 2 - voices [2003-12-02 @ 5:31 p.m.]

well i took the plunge, and i actually made an appointment to see a doctor about my ear.. *shuddering*..have i ever mentioned just how much i hate dealing with GP's??
well i do..
i hate it..
in fact, i'd rather have my nipplesteeth pulled..
yes indeedy..i hate 'em..
but my ear is driving me nuts...so i really have to go.

it all started about 11 days ago when i got out of the shower and felt like i had water in my ear...so i shook my head..and banged on my ear...even went in diggin with a cotton bud in the hope to dislodge something..but nup...zilch-o-rama...
nothing came out...so i went on hoping that what ever was in there would either fall out or evaporate...but now...11 days later...i'm still waiting...
*banging my ear*

thankfully there is no pain...well...not much anyway...what ever pain i am experiencing is just from me poking my finger in behind my tragus and waggling it around so that i can hear clearer...

of all my senses, i think my sense of hearing is one that i'm most fond of (oh, and taste, too..yeh..i'm pretty fond of taste..and touch *giggle*...and i really wanna be able to hear properly - not just all these muffled sounds on my left side, and having to deal with the sound of my own voice echoing around in my head..

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