

june 30 - evil ass bitches [2003-06-30 @ 10:32 p.m.]

starting music: "hedonism" - skunk anansie


god...i'm thinking that that was the was worst afternoon shift EVER...not only was it emotinally draining (we had a really long, intense debriefing session that made 4 people cry)...but the nurses i got stuck working with were just vile people...real evil ass bitches..


i didn't get stuck working with them. i chose to, cuz it was either me work with them, or poor courtney work with them. and i knew that she just wasn't up to it emotionally to be stuck with two total asses for an 8 hour shift.

so yeah..
i was nice..

the best thing to come out of it was to find out that later on in the week we'd be touring the ward, and those of us who wanted to stick around for an autopsy might be allowed to. damn...finding that out was almost better than finding out about the tegan and sara gig...
i hope we're able to..
it'd be pretty interesting..

and on a brighter (but just as exciting) note...i got my exam result back for my nursing subject...jo (our lecturer) called the ward to tell us all...which was a bad idea, seeings as a few of us weren't very happy with our mark...but i kicked ass (thankfully) and got 165/200...yay...that works out to just over 80%, which is a high distinction!
i'm on a roll today, i tell ya...
now if only my research, transition and science marks are that great *crossing my fingers*..

so yeah..

it was a nice way to brighten up a shitty shift.

god i hope neither of the evil ass nurses are on tomorrow afternoon, cuz i really dont think i could handle a repeat of tonite..
but anyway..

my poor grrl is curled up in bed alone...cuz i told her i'm too hyper to come to bed just yet and i dont want to fall asleep and then be over tired for tomorrow afternoon and wednesday morning shifts....but i might just go lay with her until she drifts off..

endingmusic: "thinking about tomorrow" - beth orton (ironic, huh?)

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