

may 25 - still sick [2003-05-25 @ 8:41 p.m.]

fuck i am so sick *cough cough cough snot sneeze cough*..

yesterday i sneezed so hard that my nose bled for an hour. nothing i tried would stop it from bleeding, so i jumped into a cold shower and hoped that the low temp would make it clot up - and it did. but not before i started getting all woozy...*ugh*..

so last nite mum and pog came over and spent the nite. all was going well today (we all -the grrl included- went shopping and househunting and stuff...and them my mumwent schitzo at us and she packed up all her and pogs stuff just left.
not before making a scene at the front door, though..
mmmmm...and without going into to many details (coz truely, i am too fucking sick to think) lets just say it'll probably be a while before the grrl and mum talk to one another. which is a shame. but really, not to defend the grrl - my mum was totally out of line and she went berserk over nothing at all..

i was planning on heading back to the valley today..but after mum's little temper tantrum i thought it'd be better if i let her cool down. not only that, but i really wanted another nite snuggled up with sam. afterall, seeings as we're both so sulky and sick, it makes sense that we snuggle up with each other..heh...well it makes sense in my head anyway.
only problem is, classes go back tomorrow and i have to leave here sometime before 7 to make it on time. and given the fog factor in the valley i'm thinking i'll head off about 6:30 just to be safe. i'd rather drive in the dark than in the fog..
i only have 2 more weeks of classes left before exams start, so it's not all that bad. and then i'm back on holidays again (because the last 6 weeks i've had off just haven't been enough *smirk*)...and i intend to spend every single day of them here at home with the grrl.

she bought herself an xbox today - something she's been talking about buying forever - so she's happily set up camp in the lounge room with her cords and controllers and games and stuff. she's so cute when she immerses herself into games. god i wish i had my camera here...*smiling*..

anyway, i need to go spend some quality time with her and interrupt her gaming before i head to bed. last nite we got about 4 hours sleep due to a noisy neighbour and the police - so i'm really hoping to get a decent sleep tonite before my drive in the morning..

oh yeah...i get my marks from last term's work back tomorrow...*crosses fingers*..
god i'll be glad when this semester is over..

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