

april 6 - home [2003-04-06 @ 12:56 p.m.]

well what a long few days the last few have been...

i got up at just after 6 on wed morning, and caught a train to dandenong where alison was waiting for me...it took us about an hour to get outta the city, and another 8 to get to broken hill..it was a long drive, but it was fun..
it was also good to see simone, too...
it was just a pity that for the 3 days we were up there, sim had to work from noon until 4, but maybe later on in the month when there grrl and i go up there, she'll be able to get some time of work..
it was good to see kerrie, too..and it's also unfortunate that things between them have gone so far to hell. they fought so long and hard to actually get together, and now to see it all in tatters after only 6 months is pretty sad...
i also feel bad for kerrie knowing that the only reason she moved 1200kms from her family and friends is because she loved simone, and was willing to sacrifice everything to be with her...

anyway...it was fun...and am looking forward to going back with sam over the easter break...

while i was there i bought the melissa etheridge 'live and alone' dvd, and fuck it's awsome..i was in such a rush to get home so that i could transfer the audio to mini disk, but i can't now coz i left my optical-cable thingie at mums...d'oh...so now i will have to wait...

speaking of mum's...i'm heading home tomorrow morning for my 4 hours of classes...i'd love to just stay here and spend a heap more time with sam, but i just cant. especially with the growing pile of work on my desk...ugh...i probably shouldn't have gone away...but oh well..

last nite sam, alison, rach and i went out to the glassy...it's the first time we've been since they renovated it and changed it from "old and skanky" to "new and improved", and all in all it was a good nite. but i'm sure we would have all enjoyed ourselves more had sam and alison not got busted for sneaking their own alcohol in..*laughing*...
i'm so glad we all had a great time...afterall, alison and rach are really only the only people in melbourne that sam and i have anything to do with, so it's kinda important that we get along...*laughing*...even more important to me is that the grrl no longer sees alison as some sort of threat...which is fantastic...because just because i think someone is hot, doesn't necessarily mean that i wanna go out and fuck them senseless...besides, the grrl told me that if i was going to fuck alison behind her back i would have done it long ago..and that i haven't...so that must count for something - which is very refreshing to know that she feels that way..

i'm so wrecked today though...but thankfully i don't have a hangover....all that mcdonalds on the way home from the glassy must have absorbed it all...

mmmmm...if it wasn't for uni on monday, i'd definately be curling up in bed for the next 36hours *yawning*

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