

march 4 - little cunts [2003-03-04 @ 8:46 p.m.]

we have this dog..
actually...it's more of a fucking monster-mutt-ball-of-fluff-from-hell-cunt-of-a-thing...*grrrrr*...
and in the short course of it's 2 weeks here, it's managed to piss on everything in the house - and probably some things we don't know about..

anyway..i've dealt with this little cunt longer than i should have..and finally the last straw has been broken..
before..i sat at my desk...and couldn't figure out why my right foot was so warm...so i rubbed it with my hand, and it was a bit wet too...yet still it didn't click...until i smelled my hand, and looked under my desk...then to my horror, i realised that the little cunt had pissed under my desk, and i'd just spent the last few minutes smooshing my foot into it...*GROSSSSSSSSSS*

so that's it...
tomorrow...come one way or another...the little cunt will just dissapear....even if i have to drive him down to uni and dump him in the wilderness myself!!!

but for now...i needa go wash my feet...EIEW

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