

jan 16 - PMS [2003-01-16 @ 6:09 p.m.]

i am in a hellishly irritable mood today, and unfortunately, poor rob is getting the brunt of it. i just can't seem to tolerate him at all today, and everything he's doing is wrong..
i have tried..though..
i've tried ignoring him...tried avoiding him...even tried barricading my bedroom door. but bugger me dead if he won't leave me alone for 5 seconds!!!..all i want is some peace and quiet..
so tonite, we were all supposed to go out for dinner...but for the last hour, robert was constantly at my bedroom door harassing me, so in the end i screamed and shouted and stormed off and told them i wasn't coming out for dinner. mum was a bit disappointed, but they just don't understand that some times i need my own space. i love them both to death, but they can shit me like no one else..
i need to try to be better tomorrow though..
and to top it all off, todays the first day of my period and i'm always a cranky little fucker on the first day. only, my 9 year old nephew doesn't seem to understand why that's so *laughing*
oh well...maybe in a few years he'll finally get it

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