

jan 16 - mornings suck [2003-01-16 @ 7:54 a.m.]

listening to: - "more than this" by norah jones

god i am soooo loving this norah jones cd..definately, definately, definately. if i had have known she was this good, i would have rushed out and bought it ages ago, rather than just dilly-dallying to download it. i mean, for me to listen to something at 8am, it must be good..


a snippet of todays star sign said - "Love and romance should also go well, particularly since you're feeling particularly enthusiastic about life"...
i am feeling particularly enthusiastic about life (always do) and i'ma also gonna keep my fingers crossed about love and romance. i don't go back to melbourne to the grrl until tomorrow, so let's see what's in store there.

now..to choose...get up and start my day..or head back to bed??


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