

nov 12 - insanity [2002-11-12 @ 6:47 p.m.]

god my mum is schitzo..

this morning, before my shower, she was sitting and watching tv, and then our of no where she got all insane and started screaming at me..she was all flustered, and waving her arms in the air, and all red in the face..and she was swearing and stuttering and telling me how i am a selfish little cunt (all out of absolute no where, i swear!). and then 5 minutes later she was as nice as pie.

then about 5 minutes ago she came racing into the lounge room like a hurricane, accusing me of taking money out of her purse. then she went nuts screaming about how all her rings and jewellery were missing, and how she was going to have to call the police. rob and i had both been sitting in the lounge room, and the gardener was out the back gardening....and we were all like "what the fuck"..
then i looked in her bag, and found all the stuff that had apparently *gone missing*

*shaking my head*
so yeah..i am a bit worried about the old grrl..must be all this hot weather...

speaking of weather...i was outside watering the lawn this afternoon (no one told me about water restrictions!! *L*) and i was out there for all of 10 minutes and my neck is sooooo sunburnt..fuck..i'm so not looking forward to the hot christmas weather..it was 35today (about 105 for all the yankees out there), and that's only the beginning
*already sweating at the thought of it*

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