

april 22 - nanna [2002-04-22 @ 8:04 p.m.]

listening to: 'i'm afraid of americans' - nine inch nails w/david bowie

talk about a fun night..*CAN U FEEL THE SARCASM??*
mum and dad came home before..they brought nan home from melbourne and told me that i'd be giving up my bed so that nan could sleep in robert's.

fuck that

my bed is MINE!
for me to share with no one other than sam, goddamnit!, and i'll be fucked if i'm gonna let anyone tell me otherwise.


after listening to mum and dad whinge about me and how i never wanna 'play by their rules' and how i 'never help', i thought i'd do the right thing and clean nanna up (she's incontinent) and help put her to bed. what i didn't count on was that i would be the only one doing anything. considering mum's had a stroke, i knew it was pretty safe to assume that she'd be unable to help, but my fucking father just stood their in the goddamn doorway to the bedroom (claiming that the wheelchair was in his way) while i struggled to transfer my nan from her wheelchair to robbie's bed.
to there i was, trying to hold this woman up (who'se a good 75kilograms of almost dead weight!) while the bed behind me was moving. not only that, but the socks i'd put on her earlier were causing her to slip through my legs..


but anyway...to cut a long story short i put a pillow down behind nan's head and put her gently on the floor. she was happy...said she was warm and comfortable and could have easily spent the night there.
no one wanted her to stay there..
no one saw any possible way that i coult re-manuver or lift her..
so we called an ambulance.

the guys who came were pretty good about it.
they asked if nan'd been drinking..
or if' i'd been drinking
then they just lifted her up as if she were a little girl and plopped her down on the bed (after i'd rearranged the room to make it more 'nanna friendly').

so yeah..that was my hour of excitement..

i don't mind nanna being here. in fact it's good to spend time with her. i just wish my dickhead of afather would stop giving orders about how to look after her and help us out with her himself.

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