

march 5 - wog boys and saline [2002-03-05 @ 3:23 p.m.]

so this afternoon, i am standing at the tram depot on the corner of collins and swanston streets, minding my own business...when
some dumb-ass commodore driving moron [of non-australian decent, i might add] runs a red light and knocks this poor motor-cycle courier guy off of his bike, sending him rolling down the street.

the guy in in car gets out, looks down at the rolling man, and then squats to
squats to inspect the damage that the motorbike made to his car!
what is this world coming to????
it's bad enough that the wog-boy butt-munch ran the red light [afterall, it could have been much worse and the victim could have been a nun, or a child, or a small animal&^%(#!^%~%&^*&#!], but to then take more interest in his slightly dented bumper bar rather than the man he might have killed! JE-SUS!
but yeah..melbourne being melbourne, people ran from all directions to help the poor rolling-down-the-street guy. everything seemed fine, but then i noticed that he'd ripped his pants and that blood was leaking from the holes. as if this wasn't bad enough, rolly-man was wiping his wounds with his dirty motorcycle gloves.
*double EWWWW
so seeings as i had my first aide kit in my back pack, i decided to go over and lend the poor guy a hand. while every one around him seemed more interested in getting the other guys name and details, i thought i'd be a little compassionate and play florence nightingale for a few minutes. so outta my trusty kit i whipped some saline, some gauze (sterile, of course!) and a few wound dressings and I tended to his cuts and scrapes while the police arrived to take down everyone's details.
so yeah..
there's my good deed for the day -or month-...and i actually felt a little warm 'n fuzzy inside knowing that i'd helped someone.

but i still can't get over ass-wipe wog-boy...i didn't stick around long enough to find out what happened, but i did overhear him tell the cops
"ummm...well...the light looked orange to me, but i'm guessing it could have been red" - so hopefully he got a big ass fine.

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