

february 20 - some people walk in the rain...some just get wet. [2002-02-20 @ 4:07 p.m.]

before i was online bitching about the heat and how much i hate summer...
and now i'm sitting in kater's room soaked right through coz it started raining..and it rained and rained and rained...and for the last two hours - it's done nothing but rain.
not that i'm complaining - i LOVE wet weather, but i just wish i'd had some warning and knew enough to have taken my jacket into the city with me. it wasn't too bad getting from the city out to yarraville (coz i was on a train) but the walk home from yarraville station to here was pretty cold. to think, this morning it was 27 degrees (roughly 90F), and now it's freezing. but that's good old melbourne weather - one minutes we're sweating like pigs, and the next we somewhat resemble drowned rats....go figure.


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