

january 2 - welcome to the new year [2002-01-02 @ 4:27 p.m.]

2001 is finally over...
my new years eve was relatively uneventful...but it was fantastic none-the-less.
the girl and i spent new years eve in bed...we went to bed at about 8...fell asleep at just after 10, and woke up just long enough before midnite to witness the countdown on TV


there's nothing better at new years than to surround yourself with those you love , and personally I couldn't imagine any one I'd have rather spent it with than the girl.
spending these last few weeks together in melbourne has been wonderful...better than wonderful...it's been heaven...and i think it's really been good for us and our relationship. she's so fucking fantastic that at times i have to pinch myself just to make sure that she really is real.
and just to get off track, but the sex is fucking fantastic...
god i know that sex isn't everything in a relationship...but fuck...it sure does help when it's amazing.
there was a time, when my idea of good sex was me spending a few hours on my knees just to hear that ultimate ooohhhh...when my main goal was just to give the other person pleasure.
but now, god it's all so different. with the girl, i've turned into [what i feel is] a very selfish lover. thesedays, it's all about me, Me, ME...she can lick me, fuck me, bite me, suck me, do what ever she wants, as long as it makes me moan.
yeh yeh..i know that's pretty selfish of me...but jesus...i just can't help myself.
she only has to come within 6 feet of me and i get goosebumps all over.
4 feet and i start shaking..
she gets within inches and it's as if i lose control..all i want to do is touch her and kiss her and have her touch me...i've never known someone that i just want to be so physical with.
what i'm having with the girl, is the most intense and passionate thing that i've ever experienced in my young life. sure, i've had some sex in my time, but absolutely nothing compares with what i've experienced over the last few months. it's amazingly mindblowing, and i'm thinking that it's only going to get better.
before i met this girl, i was the kind of self-righteous bitch who always preached that there's more to life than sex, and that relationships should be based on what's in our hearts rather than what's inbetween our legs...but now, i can definately say that i've re-evaluated that one. while my relationship with the girl is definately based on more than sex alone, it's fair to say that sex is a big part of what we have together.
sometimes i feel guilty about us spending so much time both in bed and in each other, but after speaking to the girl about it i am relieved to know that she doesn't think it's such a bad thing. in fact, she's as happy with our sex life as i am.
not to diss any of my ex's, but it's nice to finally see that sex can be more one sided...not that any of my ex's made the sex one sided - that was all my doing. for some insane reason, i was never overly interested in being touched, usually just opting to do all the touching, licking and what not..

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