

november 13 - she's home [2001-11-13 @ 8:16 p.m.]

well thankfully, my 5 days of counting down are over-and-done-with...and at 3:25pm yesterday afternoon the girl landed back in melbourne safe and soundly *smiling*.

i went to the airport to greet her..but me being me [and having absolutely no concept of time] i got there about 2 hours early...mmmmm let me tell you...with the exception of eating and doing duty free shopping, there really isn't much to do at melbourne airport....so i sat...and i waited...and i walked around...and i tried to spot famous people...and i ate...and i walked some more....and i sat down and read...and i walked..and well, you can imagine that my 2 hours were pretty bloddy boring. but it was all well worth it when she finally landed and gave me one of her hugs...

after the airport we spent about 15minutes trying to navigate our way out of the airport long-term parking...and after that we headed back to the girl's place.

i spent last nite there...which is pretty bloody amazing considering that her mother never lets any of her partners stay over. but yeh...it was good to have her home again, and great to just lounge around and snuggle and stuff...

i missed her...which is very much not like me. these last few months i have done nothing but want to get away from people, not get closer to them. but she just has something that makes me want to get to know her a whole lot more...i don't know what it is about her (and i don't really wanna find out in case it goes away*giggle*) but i am such a different person around her.

but yeh...enough of that...i should stop babbling before y'all begin to think i've lost the plot ;-)

~dannii ...who thinks that maybe she has lost the plot..but who doesn't care one little bit...

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last five

jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble