

november 9 - love [2001-11-09 @ 1:45 p.m.]

the grrl is in queensland...and i miss her.

yup..*sigh*..i actually miss someone. can you hardly believe it??

she flew out yesterday at about 2pm and i don't think i've thought of very much other than her, since...

she is wonderful...

and i am in love.

oops.. did i actually say that??

"...yes you did...dannielle...you said you were in love..."

mmmm...i am in something..that's for sure. something that feels very much like love...but it's been a while since i've really felt that emotion, so i wonder if maybe i am just confused...*hehehehe*

it's weird...coz love is usually the one thing on the planet that really has me running scared. i mean, full on *ZoooOOOooOOOOOMmmmMMMMM* i am outta there at the mere mention of the word. but with the girl I don't really care. if anything, it gives me goosebumps just thinking about being in love with her. hell...just thinking about her gives me goosebumps. *getting all tingly*

on saturday nite, the girl told me she loved me.

*taking a deep breath*

yup..she said those 3 words...

ok...so she was drunk...and had just spewed and she was very ill...so i told her i loved her too, and she passed out.

but the next morning after beating around the bush [figuratively speaking], she made it quite clear that she remembered everything that she said that nite. but that was ok. coz i told her i loved her too.

yes - i said it and i didn't even cringe. sure, i do not like saying those 3 words...but i did. and i didn't even feel like an idiot afterwards.

but feeling like this towards this girl scares me..i mean, i don't know how i can actually be in love with someone i know so very little about. afterall, it takes me long enough to just want to consider somenoe a friend...let alone let them into my heart..a little part of me fears that i am just setting myself up for a fall..and i am going to give my heart and then have it broken. not that i think the girl would deliberately squish my heart...but that's just how things seem to happen with me. but then another part of me says - "...stop being such a wussy, sooky-la-la bitch and just live life to the fullest..." which is exactly what i wanna do.

i may get hurt by sam..

i may hurt her..

but i figure she's pretty fucking wonderful - and they are both chances that i am more than willing to take. *smiling deliriously*


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