

october 10 - happy anniversary [2001-10-10 @ 9:55 p.m.]

you know, i always wonder about people who were born on the same day as something bad
i mean...just think of all the kids who were born on september 11 - they are always going to be reminded of the day the US was attacked...or how about those of us who share their birthday with something like the death of Elvis?? it would just be horrible to go through life and on each birthday having someone say "Ooohhh....so-n-so died today..." or "today was the day that World War 1 broke out.."...blah blah blah
i am so glad that I don't share my birthday with anything horrific...well, nothing majorly horrific, at least. but it's not even birthdays...it's anniversary's, too...imagine getting married on the same day that, i dunno... world war 3 broke out. your special day would forever live in infamy. but speaking of my special day..
remember how yesterday was the 2 month anniversayr of my split with linnie? well...today i called linnie to harass her about it, and she was in melbourne. i was mucking around and joking and stuff about our anniversary, when i said [without thinking] that she was probably in melborne celebrating her 2 month anniversary with nikki.
ahem... *clearing my throat*

remind me not to be sarcastic, anymore..

so yeh...my point about sharing b'days with something horrible is that, every time linda and nikki celebrate an anniversary...linda is always going to be reminded of or breakup. that is of course, assuming that she even thinks about it *giggling*.but i shouldn't have said anything to her today...i shouldn't have been sarcastic...hell, i shouldn't have even called her. i didn't call her and harass her to be mean...i was just being my smart-assed little self..sometimes i think i need to grow out of that and begin to act more like a grown up. i remember when elly and i broke up, i send her a dozen rose stems - with thorns and all..*hehehe*...and i had even thought about doing that to linda, but then time slipped away from me and before i knew it it was too late to send hateful gifts...*hehehe*
but it's all in good fun...i could never hate linnie...coz believe me, i have tried. it's just sooo much more time consuming and energetic to hold a grudge than it is to just live and let live.

*raising yet another glass of champagne and making yet another toast*

"...to linnie...and nikki....happy anniversary, grrrls..."


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