

october 4 - installment 5 [2001-10-04 @ 10:21 a.m.]

god last nite was a long nite...i didn't end up getting to bed until about 4...and i woke up at 9 - it was too late to get ready and go to school so i decided not to go....and what better to do than to get on-line and chat...hehehe...i am becoming addicted again.

linda called before..mmm...things with her and nikki are all better.

to be totally honest, i don't really know what i think of that. i mean, i am so glad that she is happy...coz no matter what happens, at the end of the day i just want her to be happy...

buuuuuut...i would much prefer her to have been happy with me..hehehe...but i am not going to sit around for the rest of my life and dwell on her...

mmm...i should go to class and learn some stuff...*sigh*


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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble