

nov 30 - the past [2003-11-30 @ 2:23 a.m.]

i found an old friend on schoolfriends.com.au before...actually...she's more than just an "old friend"...she's the first grrl that i ever loved and lusted after...and the first grrl that i ever kissed...*blushing*

in fact..i shared quite a few "firsts" with her...but we never actually slept together. well, we shared a bed for a few months (we lived together throughout our second year here at monash)..and would often wake up naked and wrapped around each other..but as for doing the deed..nope..it never happened.
instead, i silently lusted after her and made her the centrepiece of too many lesbian fantasies...*chuckles*
it's funny...because she's actually from the same town as the grrl...in fact, each time i drive to the grrl's folks house, i almost have to go past her house...and i remember not long after we stopped speaking (sometime in 1997), i remember thinking "thank god i never have to go back to that godforsaken town again"...and then a few years later...i met the grrl...and ended up giggling at the irony...not that the grrl's home town is really god-forsaken...but rather i just never thought i'd ever have to go back there again...anyway...
tonite..while browsing around schoolfriends.com.au i thought i'd look her up and see if she was registered there...afterall, they claim that 250,000 australians are - so i figured my chances of finding her were pretty good..
and there she was..
and my heart skipped a beat..
and then, when i saw that she had her email address displayed, it skipped 2 more beats..
and before i knew it, i was opening up hotmail to send her some long ass "how have you been for the last 5 years" emails..
but then i remembered how much this particular grrl fucked with my head..and my heart..and i thought of the grrl..and how wonderfully amazing she is..and how happy she makes me..
and i shut hotmail down as quickly as i opened it..

because, really...some things are better off left in the past..


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