

august 12 - hungry [2002-08-12 @ 9:46 p.m.]

listening to: 'hedonism' - skunk anansie

mum went to bed in her own bed tonite..thankfully..
for the last month she's slept with me in my bed, and at the risk of sounding nasty, i'm glad that she's finally gone back to her own..
not that i can imagine how awfully big that bed of hers seems without dad in it - but the time really has come for her to be strong and to go back to her own...
not only that, bu it was beginning to drive me nuts..
don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to be nasty..i just want my space back as my own...i'm not a selfish person, nor do i think of myself as overly greedy - but my space is my space, my things are my things, and i don't really like anyone in my room..call me fussy, call me podantic, call me anal (oohh..yes) - but everything of mine has it's place - and i really fucking hate it if anyone messes with that..*phew*..

so i have this science exam tomorrow, and i really can't be fucked studying...i know i should, and i know that a lot is riding on me getting a good mark - but i just can't seem to motivate myself. part of me is saying
"fuck dannii, you know this shit"
and the other half is like..
*pulling my hair out* "aaahhhhhhhhh"..
i've been reading though..i've done little more than read since i got home from uni - but none of it seems to be sinking in..*sigh*

and to top of my dilemma - i've got the fucking hugest hankering for a double bacon cheeseburger delux, but the nearest hungry jacks is just toooo far away..


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