

august 13 - bluehouse [2002-08-12 @ 12:02 a.m.]

listening to: 'crying' bluehouse

god i can't wait for midday tomorrow to rock around, coz then this science exam that's freaking me out to no end will be well over..
i don't know why i'm freaking out so much over a measly little test..especially one that doesn't really have too much weight...but i am...and it's making me nuts.
not only that, but this is stuff that i've been over and over and over again over the last few years, but i still have it in my head that i don't know any of it..
is it the perfectionist in me?
of am i just schitzophrenic??

so the bluehouse have a gig coming up..ok, so it's not coming up very soon (its in late september), but still, it's their first gig on australian soil for quite some time..and i wanna take the grrl..by the time the gig rocks around, it will be almost our on year anniversary...almost one year to the day when i became *reacquainted* with the grrl who was soon to become the love of my young life..
the other day the grrl and i got talking about that fateful nite...about how i was really out on a *date* with another grrl at the time, but how i had made plans to meet up with sam anyway...at that stage i didn't really know much about the grrl - but most of what i did know about her was evil (*chuckling*)..but i wanted to find out for myself..and by god, i did...
it's funny how quickly things can turn and how much it changes everything...it's amazing how one small act can beging a cataclysmic chain of events that turn into the most wonderful thing in someone's life..and more than anything, i find it humerous how i found the woman of my dreams while i was out on a date with someone else..*smiling*
so back to my point..my point is, bluehouse are doing a show and i wanna take the grrl out on a date...

anyway, i should probably get back to my studying...*pouting*...as much as i'd love to sit here and procrastinate and do anything that's not study - i really should..

either that or i could just go to bed..

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