

nov 2 - back home [02.11.2004 @ 22:59]

i've tried 3 times to write an entry about my last few days away, but each time i've gone to save, i've accidentally hit some other button and my entry has disappeared *grrrr*...so i've come to the conclusion that i'm meant to keep my thoughts on my antics to myself...which at the moment, wouldn't really be too bad an option...
not that i dont want to share...but rather i should sort this out on my own before opening up to you guys...so yeah...

so i left albury at about 11 this morning...i had planned on head straight home, but decided to take a detour to shepparton and go visit an old friend. considering some of the crap that had gone on between this particular person and i, i had my reservations, but thankfully i went and saw that the crap from the past really was in the past and i had a great time..so yeah..that was good. i just wish i could have stuck around and hung out with her longer...but i really was pushed for time...despite the time constraints, i still managed to find myself a local piercing parlour and get myself a new piercing...*yay*...

there will be pics on this later.

for now..i need sleep.

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last five

jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble