

nov 12 - shit [2003-11-12 @ 7:28 p.m.]

starting music: 'trouble' - pink

so the week before last my mum was driving my lil car (yeah, the one that the insurance company had written off)..and she blew the motor up in it. so in what she thought was a stroke of genious, she bought me a fucking ridiculously pathetic piece-o-shit mazda thing...fuck me, it really is the biggest piece of shit i've ever seen...well, except for the time i ate that entire can of corn by myself - but that's totally another story..


back to the car..

the first time i drove it - it took me 15minutes to get it to even start long enough to put into gear...then when i finally did, the fucked conked out...
but i thought i'd give it a chance..
then the next morning i had to wait another 10minutes to start it before i could leave for work...then, halfway into my trip to work, while whizzing along and doing 110 on the freeway, the fucking thing just DIED on me...

then i drove it to melbourne...and again had nothing but troubles...and also on my return trip..

not that i'm being ungrateful...but it's a fucking turd on wheels. although, turds are useful..

so yeah..

my point is...today...it finally died on mum...and she no longer thinks that i'm just an ungrateful little cunt...
and i couldn't be happier...
mind you....for the first 2 hours of her telling me about her ordeal, she insisted that it was MY fault for not puttting petrol in -that is, until i showed her my reciept...

so yeah..

we're still fighting about the fucking car though...and hopefully, overnight someone with either steal it, or crash into it...

damn piece-o-shit..

ending music: 'fallen' - sarah mclachlan

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