

sept 14 - sunday [2003-09-14 @ 4:54 p.m.]

so my clinicals finally wrapped up, and i am finally at home with the grrl..
we've had a great weekend together...on friday the grrl's sister had her 3rd baby - a lil girl that they named madeliene..she's very cute..and no, i'm not just saying that *laughs*...

things here have ben wonderful - even if we've been without a phone line/net access since last week..the grrl's dad is a jack-of-all trades and he came over before and fixed it - praisethelord..

so i still haven't finished all of my assignments, even thought they're all due sometime this week..ugh...i so can't be bothered, but i know i will get them done before their due dates - it's just going to take lack of time and a lot of stress before i'll get my ass into gear - i'm such a fuckin procrastinator..
i'm lucky though...on friday nite i drove straight from the jail to the grrl's folks house (a 3 hour drive) and 5minutes before getting there some fucker went through a red light and almost killed me. ok, well i probably wouldn't have been killed, but lets just say if i hadn't been on the ball and slammed my foot on the accelerator i would have been pretty hurt and my computer (and all assignments) would have been smashed. so i figure some higher power is looking out for me. so yeah..

my mum is still being a shit...but at the moment, i really don't have enough time or energy to get into it with her. i left there about 5am friday morning, and came straight here from the jail. i am heading to uni in the morning, but i'll also be coming straight home to the grrl after class. i miss her..and i miss just coming home to her of a night...so yeah...

anyway, i needa go back and conquer the buffy xbox game. it rocks..and i'm addicted...


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