

july 11 - sex dreams [2003-07-11 @ 10:14 a.m.]

starting music: 'piece of me' - diana ah naid

god i'm so tired...

i set my alarm for 8am this morning...and then reset it at 20minute intervals right up until 10.

i should have got out of bed when it first went off, but i just couldn't get my legs to co-operate...

i dont know if i'm getting sick or i'm just a sook-la-la whingin bitch who can't hack these antisocial nursing hours...*yawns*...

i'm on a late this afternoon, though, which is good, or i truely would be fucked...

i went to be quite early last night, though...just after ER finished...i had hoped that the grrl would have come in and just spent some time with me while i dozed, off, but she's been staying up late these last few nights workning and chatting..
unfortunately her little friend broke her wrist at hockey, but it's good to see that it hasn't impeded her typing ability..
but enough of that..

i had so many dreams last night..and this morning...
all about sex..

it seemed as if every time i closed my eyes, someone was in my mouth, or between my legs...or whatever...and it wasn't only the grrl...
which was weird..cuz it's been a while since i've had such norty dreams about anyone but her...
the spunky chick from my other diary was there...and some nurses (both male and female *blushing*) from the hospital...the grrl....some of our friends *more blushing*..it was intense...haha...and had i not been dreaming, i'm sure i would have woken up pretty sore *wink wink nudge nudge*...but that's enough about that, as i'm probably turning some of you off...*chuckle*...

but anyway...i should go get ready...
thank god it's friday...
3 weeks (almost) down..
1 week to go..

god please let it fly...

ending music: 'two million' - jess mcavoy

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