

sept 1 - fathers day [2002-09-01 @ 3:20 p.m.]

listening to: - 'she cries your name' - beth orton

mum and robbie got home just after midday, thankfully, coz the house was beginning to seem awfully big, empty and quiet. as soon as they got in, i suggestwe that we all get out of the house for a while and just do family stuff...and i swear, it was the best afternoon that i've had for a long time.
we went into town, did heaps of shopping, and just hung out..and i think that it's something we should do more often.
and rob has just been such the perfect little gentleman...he told me he was sad today because it's father's day, and poppy's not here to celebrate it with us. i told him that just becasue dad's not here doesn't mean that we don't celebrate it...it just means that we celebrate it differently.
he also told me that he was sick of talking to everyone about poppy, coz each time he does "it feels like my heart is breaking"..so i told him it was perfectly normal to feel like that, and there was nothing wrong with not wanting to talk about dad. i also let him know that, no matter what, his thoughts about his poppy were sacred, and no one could ever change that..it was a very exhausting conversation (more emotionally than physically), but it was one that needed to be had..

listening to: 'i'm a lesbian' - melissa ferrick


ok so i started this entry about 7 hours ago, then i went out with kater and had a few too many to drink and the i forgot what point it was that i was originally intending to make *laughing*
fuck...i've forgotten if i was even trying to mean one..
so i've gotta go to uni in the morning, and i'm thinking that maybe i shouldn't have had those 2 extra drinks tonite. afterall, 2 drinks and i am gone, so i hate to think what 6 or 7 will do to my brain...but i'm hoping that these turkey, cheese, ketchup and mustard sammiches will absorb all that nasty alcohol and make me feel much better in the morning.
i don't normally drink..but tonite, mum said something about wanting a beer, so i drove down to the bottle shop and bought myself 8 of those new vodka udl thingies..i probably shouldn't have...but i really just felt like lettting loose..
then when kater and i went around to ant's place, i had a few more and now i'm feeling mighty..umm..pretty relaxed...i just wish that the grrl was here...and that i wasn't at home, on line, all relaxed by myself.

anyway, now that i've finished my 3rd turkey sammich and bottle of water, i think it's time to go to bed.

but before i do go, i gotta say hedge - flirt with him goddamnit!! *hehehehe*

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