

august 30 - books [2002-08-30 @ 2:55 p.m.]

listening to: 'brown eyed girl' - john meyer

it's not often that i listen to or enjoy music by boys (what can i say, i'm a sexist bitch) but i'm really getting into this john meyer guy..and now, with the entire house empty for the weekend, i can listen to it as LOUD as i want *yay*..

so yeah..everyone left to go to melbourne for the weekend, and i've gotta say, their timing was impecable. not only was i in urgent need for some peace and quiet, but the mailman came not long after the left, and in amongst all of the usual daily shit was a letter from ADT reminding mum that she'd missed her last 2 payments..
for those of you out there ho aren't aware, ADT is the company that sold mum and dad a faulty security system with a faulty duress alarm, that, had it worked the way it was supposed to, may have very well saved my fathers life *sigh*..
i normally don't open mum's mail, but when i saw their "accounts payable" name on he envelope, i got so angry that i not only opened it, but i called the fuckers..
ok, so the poor guy on the other end of the line had no idea why i was so irrate, but you'd think that the fuckmorons from the head office who came out days after dad died would have let the billing department know that mum wasn't going to be paying any more money out to a fucking faulty system. sheesh..
really though, i shouldn't have been so rude to the poor fella on the phone, but i really was pissed off. he was very appologetic, though, and i told him that he had no need to be apologetic, but he really did need to put a note on mum's records saying "fuck off and don't send this lady anymore bills"..

but that's enough bitching from me for now..i need to head back to the uni book shop and pick up some books. i went all the way down there before, only to find that i had left my wallet sitting on my bookcase in my bedroom *d'oh*

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