

august 15 - dreams [2002-08-15 @ 8:40 a.m.]

listening to: 'mornin tv'

good god...i just woke up from the best sleep, but fuck my dreams were insane..
i don't know what i ate last nite, but but for some reason i dreamt that my grrls ex and i were in a relationship *bizarre*..i haven't spoken to this person, letalone thought about her in a very long time..
she and i used to actually be pretty good friends once upon a time, but that was long ago and really, there's no reason i should be having these kindsa dreams about her..*twitching*
maybe my unconscious is just trying to give the rest of me a hard time..

give me THIS grrl anyday..
*yeahh baby*

anyway, on a brighter note, today is my day off so i'm going to go shopping and get myself a hair cut..
"why are you up so early on your day off?", i hear you asking??..
well, i have really come to a definately conclusion that it truely is impossible to get a good sleep in in this place *sigh* oh well...too much sleep is bad for us anyway.

[just off the topic - but i was looking through my archives, and the entry i made a year ago today was also called *dreams*, and was about my grrl's ex..coincidence, eh?..just thought i'd share that **insert twilight zone music here**]

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