

nov 13 - writing [13.11.2004 @ 19:26]

i am so exhausted..
like..totally wiped out..but i can't sleep.

so i thought i would write..because my entries have been few and far between thesedays...and i have so much to share..

i was thinking before, that i used to write so much in here...it was such an outlet. and i wrote so well...i was almost eloquent. but thesedays, it's all such run-o-the-mill crap that i waffle on about..it's all "i did this" and "i think that"..i was just reading through some of my favourite entries and how i had so much to say...and the way i said it...god, i can hardly believe it came from within me...
maybe it comes from practice. maybe i wrote so well back then because i did it so often, where as thesedays i dont have the time (or the energy)...or maybe i dont have something that i'm passionate about and want to write about.
back then i was so passionate about her and our relationship, that i could rant on and on for hours...but now i'm very much an "oh yeah..whatever" kind of person..and as happy as i am with myself, i think i want that passion back. no not the passion of that time and place - i mean in general..i want to be fiesty and firey again...
i want to have lots to say..

but more on this later..

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble