

sept 17 - damn ear [2003-09-17 @ 10:41 a.m.]

my ear hurts like you wouldn't believe..my god..and here i thought that taking the actual piercing out would relieve the pain - when in fact, it seems to have increased two-fold..

i knew at the time that getting a new piercing was a bad idea, but i just really wanted one..i guess now it's coming back to bite me on the ass big time..

i'm still taking antibiotics..only i should run out of them sometime this afternoon. although the drugs seem to have done their job...my ear has gone from pungent green goobers, to just leaking some kind of clear discharge..so yeah, at least that's good..
i need to go to the chemist to get some anti inflammatories or pain killers of some sort. i ran out of the good ones i got from the jail, so last nite i thought i'd take just one panadiene forte before bed..fuck..that lasted all of an hour and i woke up at 11pm in pain...
i'm actually beginning to worry that the infection is causing some major trauma to the structures around my actual ear..so i think a trip to the doctors might be in order sometime this week.
but for now - i'm off to the chemist in search of drugs..

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