

sept 2 - long days [2003-09-02 @ 5:50 p.m.]

well my ear is kinda sore, but my clinicals rock so that makes up for it!!
hehehe...ok...there's like absolutely no sense there...but anyway..

so my first 2 day as a prison biatch have been good...there are 2 of us doing our clinicals there, and we're both being pampered and spoiled like you wouldn't believe..i'm loving it..

speaking of being spoiled..
i came home from clinicals last nite, and mum had been shopping...she bought me a sony digital camera and one of those cute lil baby printers that are just for printing photos straight from the cam..she rocks..and so does my new toy..
i've been trying to take decent pics of my boobies or noonie to send to the grrl, but it's really hard to take norty pics by yaself..hahaha..but i'll keep trying until i get one decent enough to send her. it's also hard to take those kindsa pics when i'm paranoid that either mum or pog is gonna walk in the room and find me with either a dig-cam between my legs or pointed at my boobs...hahaha...so yeah...
and i promise, i wont be posting any in here..

but yeah..

that's all from me for now...i'm so tried...
these prison days are l_____o_________n______g *yawn*

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