

july 28 - locks [2003-07-28 @ 9:19 p.m.]

i went to bed before...to get some must needed shut-eye..and mum came in to tell me something totally useless...
it would seem that my need for sleep comes second to other's need for annoying me.
so i get up, only to find the "are you sure you want to delete" message hovering over my uni stuff folder...*grrr*....so i asked robert not to touch my computer and then i went to bed. for another hour i slept soundly...only again to be woken up for something useless...
and again, my computer had been touched..(a game had been opened and paused and left on pause)

is anyone else seeing a pattern here??
or am i just over-reacting???

i fucking hate having my stuff touched. i hate it more than anything else..
so i went to him and asked him nicely "please don't touch my computer, it's full of very important work"...and he flat out lied to me. told me he knocked my keyboard.

i hate being lied to almost as much as i hate having my stuff touched..*grrr*...

i went and spoke to mum about it, and hopefully she'll have a talk to him. i think she's finally beginning to realise how important it is for me to have my space, and for my work to be kept safe..but...i could be wrong...and she could have no idea.

i would move my computer into my bedroom if i had more space in there...and i'm also thinking that i need to go to the hardware store and invest in a lock.
now...*scratching my head*..
if only i knew something about power tools..

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