

july 7 - halfway [2003-07-07 @ 10:07 a.m.]

starting music: 'quiet little place' - k's choice

so my first 2 weeks of clinicals are down...and i have 2 weeks left..i'm halfway there, baby...and that's frustrating the fuck outta me, cuz it seems like i only just made it out of the last fortnight sane..


fuck i'm hoping that the next 2 will be better than the last 2. because, really, i dont think i could handle a repeat of last week and the week before.

you're all probably wondering why a measley 4-week long clinical placement could be so unbearable, but it is...it's frustrating knowing that in we're stuck on a ward for 4 weeks as student gofer's who just "do what they're told..", when in just a few weeks we will no longer be students, but rather we'll be autonomous and accountable RN's who make all our own decisions...
although, this week our clinical educator wants us to take on our own patient load, so that'll be good in the sense that we don't have to run around following our RN's around to wait for instructions..so that should make a huge difference..or at least i hope it will..

today, after lunch, we're all heading down to the morgue to see what really goes on down there. clinical teacher had told us she would think about letting those of us who wanted to watch an autopsy watch one..

so yeah...hopefully..that'll be an experience in itself.

i started reading my kathy reichs book last nite, and it's rocking...the grrl is just too wonderful..

ending music: 'some days never end' - linda perry

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

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