

sept 18 - dizzy [2002-09-18 @ 8:41 p.m.]

listening to - my NEW ani cd

ok, so i couldn't wait..i just had to go to melbourne to pick up my new cd...and it was definately worth the wait.
of course, i didn't just go home for the cd - i wanted to see the grrl as well. and just like the cd - she was worth the wait, too.

i just wish i hadn't had robbies thing at the primary school tonite, otherwise i would have stayed home with the grrl..i'm so looking forward to the next 2 weeks - coz i'm on holidays and i have no commitments other than just staying @ home and being with her..

these last few weeks have just been fantastic. not that the weeks prior to them haven't been good...but everything just seems so much *better* lately...we were in bed last nite, just talking and cuddling and being idiots and stuff, and i was just overwhelmed with happiness. that probably sounds so silly - but i am just so truely happy at the moment...and i know that a huge part of that is because of the grrl.
we were talking the other nite, and she jokingly asked me
"how do i know you're not leading a double life...how do i know you don't have a girl down there, and me down here"..
and although i knew she was joking, i was really stumped for an answer...but i was just sitting here today, thinking about it..and it's like..wow...when i am here @ mum's, away from the girl, i barely even leave the house..and when i do leave the house, it's only ever to go to uni or down the street..
i couldn't imagine ever being with someone else, let alone leading some sort of sordid double life *laughing*..
i know she was joking though...coz she'd have to know that there could be no one else in my life but her..
she just makes me so happy...so terribly happy..and if i only make her just half as happy as she makes me, she must be terribly happy too..

all this happiness is making me dizzy...

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