

sept 9 - relief [2002-09-09 @ 9:00 p.m.]

listening to: 'she cries your name'

ahhhhhh the sweet relief that comes with handing in a huge assignment is just great..*smiling*..all morning i had the worst headache, but as soon as i dropped my assignment into the little collection box, my headache just disappeared..
mind you, my euphoria won't last very long - as we're being given another assignment tomorrow *d'oh*

so everyone here has gone to bed, and i've gotta say - i'm bored..with no assignment to do, and no one to talk to..i'm really wishing that i was back at home wrapped around my girl..
turns out i didn't look hard enough at my lil week planner thingy, and i do have a lab on thusrday morning, which means that i wont be going home to her as early as i expected (and hoped to)..bugger..but thankfully, being the lazy-ass nursing student that i am, i have 3 weeks off coming up (starting sept 16 *woooohooooo*) and the grrl is planning on taking a week off soon - so hopefully we'll get to spend some time together and make up for the last few weeks apart...hopefully *fingers crossed*

btw - this is my 300th entry *yay for me*

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble