

august 11-byebye xena [2002-08-11 @ 12:23 p.m.]

aaahhhh.....there is no where else on this great big planet of ours that i would rather be than right here besides my grrl...

it's just too bad that i have classes this week and that i have to head back to the valley tomorrow *sigh*..oh well..after friday at least i have 2 whole weeks off *yay* and while i know that i wont be able to spend every single nite here with her (coz i don't like leaving mum alone for that long), i will be able to head back home and snuggle with my grrl whenever i want...*smiling*

so last nite, the grrl and i curled up on a little bed that we made on the the loungeroom floor, and we watched the very last episode of xena..
the episode itself sucked (what a let down of a way to wrap up a fantastic series)..but at least the writers finally gave all the grrl fans out there something to salivate over...so yeah - maybe it wasn't such a let-down after all..

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