

august 9 - d'oh [2002-08-09 @ 9:17 a.m.]

i am such a fucking idiot *laughing @ my own stupidity*
i jumped outta bed this morning just after 7:30m ao that i could be here by 8 and so that i could get some stuff done and still have time to email the grrl before my 9am workshop..
so i'm happily typing away until just after 9 (fashionably late, i say), and then i rush off in across campus - only to find no one there..so i come back to the schoool of nursing, look up the timetable and notice that the damned thing doesn't begin until 10..*D'oh!*..
i could have slept in for a whole 2 hours..well..maybe 90 minutes to be safe..

so with the exception of a dull throb in my head, i feel much better. i didn't sleep too well last nite, but this head cold/flu thing seems to be easing (although i've probably gone and jinxed myself now), and i'm heading home this afternoon..
it's just been such a long week away from the grrl..so long and exhausting..i am hating this time apart so much, but as i've said a zillion times, "it's all for a greater good"..i wish there was a monash campus closer to us..well, there is, but not one that offeres nursing..
at least i have 2 weeks off coming up to look forward to. i know i won't be able to spend the entire two weeks with the grrl - coz i wont be able to leave mum alone that long - but still, it means 2 whole weeks of coming and going as i please :-)..*yay*

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