

march 18 - v i o l a t e d [2002-03-18 @ 2:11 p.m.]

listening to: '6 minutes of breathable air' - bluehouse

ok...so again i'm back in the valley and again i have more stuff to blab about. my train got in just after 9:30 this morning, so i called mum to come into town to pick me up coz i really didn't fancy waiting around for another hour for another bus. so in she comes, asking me all kindsa questions about linda and nikki and doris [of all people]. cuz i've never mentioned doris to mum, i got a little suspicious and a little angry, and i jumped to all the wrong conclusions. i wa convinced that doris had started her evil shit up again, but instead of spreading her evil about linda, this time it seemed as if it was about me. so i asked mum "where's all this coming from?", and she told me she couldn't tell me coz she didn't want anyone getting into trouble. i was *almost* going to leave it at that, but my curiosty got the better of me. after about 30minutes of me following mum around the house and badgering her, she finally gave in.
"ok..i'll tell you..but only if you promise not to yell at me"
"yell at her?" i thought to myself. "why on earth would i yell at mum"
then she spilled the beans.
it turns out that mum was cleaning out my computer desk and she came across a few black books. she was curious, and she opened them and had a read. she said she was only gonna read a page or two, but it was sooo interensting that she was compelled to read more.
these little black books turned out to be 3 of my journals from between 1997-2001...mmmmmm...at first i was stunned...then i was angry...then i just gave up and figured it was my own stupid fault for leaving them where people could find them. even if they were burried right at the bottom of my big bottom desk drawer.
so i gotta say, i'm feeling a little violated at the moment. i haven't re-read through my old journals, but i can only imagine what kinda stuff that my mum now knows about me [that she really didn't need to know]..

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